9 Ways To Help Reduce Anxiety

upset woman


Self-assessment helps you become more aware of your anxiety levels, triggers, and patterns. By identifying the situations, thoughts, and emotions that contribute to your anxiety, you gain crucial insight for effective management. Since anxiety varies greatly among individuals, understanding your specific triggers allows you to personalize your approach and tailor strategies to your needs.

Regularly assessing your anxiety helps you track progress and evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies. This ongoing process allows for necessary adjustments and helps you recognize and celebrate even small successes, boosting your motivation. Taking an active role in assessing your anxiety empowers you to take control of your mental health, shifting you from a passive observer to an active participant. This sense of agency can increase your confidence in your ability to reduce anxiety.

Set Clear Goals

Clear goals are measurable. They allow you to track your progress objectively. This measurability not only helps you see how far you've come but also provides a sense of achievement as you reach milestones.

Setting clear goals helps you focus your efforts on specific areas or strategies to prevent you from feeling overloaded. I would often find myself losing track of time and realizing I got nothing done on some days. I had to figure out a strategy to get my life back in order. That’s when I learned about time blocking (a time management method that asks you to divide your day into blocks of time). I now plan out every moment of my day in advance and dedicate specific time to my wants and needs.

Download The Free Time Block Schedule Sheet. 📄

Anxiety is a highly individualized experience, and what works for one person may not work for another. Setting clear goals allows you to tailor your approach to your unique needs and preferences. Clear goals make you more accountable to yourself.

When you have a goal in mind, you're more likely to stick to the strategies and techniques you've chosen. Achieving clear, well-defined goals can be incredibly motivating. Each accomplishment, no matter how small, can boost your confidence and motivation to continue working towards a healthy lifestyle.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle choices, including diet, exercise, and sleep, have a direct impact on the body's biochemistry. A balanced diet supplies essential nutrients that support brain health, while regular exercise releases endorphins, which naturally elevate mood.

Additionally, a well-balanced diet aids the body's stress response. Establishing a structured daily routine through these lifestyle changes can provide predictability and control, which is reassuring for individuals with anxiety. Knowing when to eat, exercise, and rest helps reduce uncertainty and anxiety triggers.

My biggest goal for this year was to have a healthy diet. No more processed foods. I focused on eating organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. I started to eat lean sources of protein such as poultry, fish, beans, legumes, and tofu. I cut out dairy entirely because I realized it was the main cause of my constant mucus buildup. If you don’t know who Dr. Sebi is, I highly recommend you check out his research.

I now enjoy my home-cooked meals because it gives me more control over ingredients and portion sizes. I reduce my sodium intake by using herbs, spices, and lemon juice to flavor foods instead of salt. I no longer drink soda and exchange it for tea. There are many studies on how awful sugar is to your body. I recommend you watch a documentary called “The Truth About Sugar”.

Living a healthy lifestyle boosts cognitive function and mental clarity. This is particularly beneficial for people with anxiety, as it helps them think clearly, make better decisions, and respond more effectively to challenges. Adopting healthier habits can also reduce chronic stress, a major factor in anxiety. Regular exercise, relaxation techniques, and sufficient sleep help the body manage stress hormones like cortisol.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is associated with improved mood and emotional well-being. It can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety by promoting the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine, which are linked to positive mood.

Exercise encourages a stronger connection between your mind and body. As you focus on the physical sensations and movements of your body during exercise, you can become more attuned to your physical sensations and better manage anxiety-related physical symptoms, such as tension or restlessness.

Participating in group exercise classes can provide opportunities for social interaction and support. Building social connections and a sense of belonging can reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can contribute to anxiety.

Exercise can enhance cognitive function, including memory and concentration, making it easier to address and manage anxious thoughts and worries. Achieving exercise goals, whether big or small, can boost your self-esteem and self-confidence. Feeling a sense of accomplishment in your physical abilities can extend to other areas of your life and reduce anxiety related to self-doubt.

This year I learned about calisthenics - a form of strength training that uses the resistance of your body and gravity to help strengthen your muscles and improve your coordination, endurance, and mobility. As I was browsing through YouTube for at-home workouts, I found Hampton, a certified fitness trainer who specializes in calisthenics. He offers many free training videos and routines on his website that I highly recommend you check out.

Your Hobbies

Hobbies offer a healthy distraction from anxious thoughts and worries. When you're absorbed in an enjoyable activity, you're less likely to ruminate on anxious concerns. Many hobbies can induce a state of flow, where you become fully immersed in the activity, lose track of time, and experience a sense of mastery. This flow state can be deeply rewarding and help alleviate anxiety.

I really enjoy taking out my sketchbook and drawing what I’m currently feeling. I use a 0.5 mechanical pencil to create very detailed designs. I have a lot of control over pressure sensitivity when shading and outlining. It’s very therapeutic to let the pencil take me wherever it flows.

Incorporating hobbies into your daily or weekly routine can create a positive structure in your life. Having something to look forward to can improve your overall outlook and reduce anxiety related to monotony or aimlessness. The key is to find activities that genuinely interest and engage you, allowing you to experience the therapeutic benefits of leisure and creativity. Remember that hobbies should be pursued for the pleasure they bring, not as a source of pressure or obligation.


Many essential oils, such as lavender, chamomile, and bergamot, are believed to have calming and soothing properties. Inhaling these scents through aromatherapy can promote relaxation and reduce stress. Anxiety often manifests with physical symptoms like muscle tension and restlessness. Certain essential oils, when used in massage or added to bathwater, can help alleviate physical tension, creating a sense of physical relaxation that can complement mental relaxation techniques.

Essential oils like lavender are known for their sleep-promoting properties. Diffusing these oils in your bedroom or using them in a pre-sleep routine may improve sleep quality, which, in turn, can reduce anxiety. Ensure you use high-quality essential oils from reputable sources. Poor-quality oils may not have the desired therapeutic effects and could even cause adverse reactions. Aromatherapy should be viewed as a complementary approach to anxiety management, not a standalone treatment. It's often most effective when used in conjunction with other strategies like therapy, exercise, and stress management techniques.

My favorite essential oil would have to be eucalyptus. It keeps my house smelling so fresh. It gives me a sense of clarity and focus while also cleansing the air. Whenever I begin to feel anxious, I rub some oil on my skin, and it helps calm me down. It’s been a very helpful tool for me. What is your favorite scent?

Have Self-Compassion

Self-compassion means treating yourself with kindness and understanding, especially during tough times. This approach counters the negative self-talk and self-criticism that often come with anxiety. Perfectionism, a common cause of anxiety, can be mitigated by self-compassion, which promotes self-acceptance and focuses on progress rather than perfection. This reduces the pressure to be flawless and eases anxiety about making mistakes.

Anxiety frequently undermines self-esteem and self-worth. Practicing self-compassion helps you recognize your intrinsic value and separates your self-worth from external achievements or circumstances. It fosters a positive inner dialogue, so when you make a mistake or face a challenge, your inner voice offers comfort and encouragement instead of criticism.

Rumination, or dwelling on anxious thoughts, can worsen anxiety. Self-compassion helps break this cycle by encouraging a gentler and more accepting attitude toward yourself and your thoughts. It is closely related to mindfulness, which involves being fully present in the moment without judgment. Mindfulness is a powerful tool for managing anxiety, as it allows you to observe and accept your thoughts and feelings without becoming entangled in them.

I’ve found that the best way to have self-compassion is to write myself a letter. I think about a situation that has caused me to feel pain. I write about what occurred and make sure I don’t blame anyone or myself for what happened. That usually makes me feel much better afterward.

Limit Stressors

When you limit stressors, you give yourself the opportunity to build emotional resilience. Overexposure to stressors can erode your ability to cope with anxiety. By reducing them, you can better withstand and adapt to life's challenges. Stress can have adverse effects on physical health, such as high blood pressure, weakened immune function, and digestive problems. Reducing stress in your daily life can lead to better overall mental health.

A life filled with constant stressors can diminish your quality of life. By actively working to limit stress, you can create a more peaceful and enjoyable daily experience, which is essential for managing anxiety effectively. Limiting your stress gives you a greater sense of control over your life. When you feel more in control, you're less likely to experience the sense of helplessness that often accompanies anxiety.

I didn't realize that my body was in a constant state of fight or flight until I started prioritizing my health. I thought getting random chest pain was normal, and having an increased heart rate was due to being easily nervous. I didn't realize the amount of stress I faced every day until I hit rock bottom.

Each morning, I woke up lacking motivation and feeling physically and mentally exhausted. I was always on the go, constantly wondering what came next, without taking any breaks. Eventually, I couldn't handle it anymore. I sat down with myself and reflected on the changes I needed to make. I realized I often gave away too much of my time and stressed over not meeting my responsibilities. I learned to say no to people, even if it made me feel guilty. I realized that putting myself first is essential in order to take care of others.

Professional Help

Therapists provide an unbiased and accepting point of view. They can assist in understanding the reasons behind your anxiety and spotting recurring patterns. They can also guide you in confronting unrealistic or unproductive thoughts. Therapists can create personalized plans to tackle your specific anxiety symptoms and objectives. Regardless of whether you have generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic disorder, or another type of anxiety, therapy can be tailored to fit your requirements.

The bond between the therapist and client offers comfort and reassurance. Having a trained professional who genuinely cares about your well-being can provide emotional support. Starting therapy early can help prevent anxiety symptoms from getting worse or more serious anxiety disorders from developing. Getting help sooner often leads to better results.

  • Speak to a Licensed Therapist

BetterHelp is an online therapy service that matches you to licensed, accredited therapists who can help with depression, anxiety, relationships, and more. Take the assessment and get matched with a therapist in as little as 48 hours.

Final Thoughts

These have been some of the ways that have helped me reduce my anxiety. I gotta tell you, this journey has been super personal, and not everything that works for me will necessarily work for you. It's all about trying out different techniques and strategies until you find what clicks.

And let me tell you, my journey is far from over. Anxiety still pays me a visit every now and then, but thanks to these practices, I've built up the inner strength to meet it head-on with a sense of calm and resilience.

Trust me, it's possible!

Take care,

-Emilia ♡

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